Saturday, February 8, 2014

Introduction of the Cast

                                          Greetings on a chilly day in California!
                   The title I go by is the artist currently known as Josh Acuna. I am a curious student of the arts and a man fascinated by art history and arts influence on the world around us. As with most artist, I am most greatly influenced by the things I see. Shapes, colors, lighting and designs all have a way of sparking interests and stirring human emotion. It's for this reason I desired to look more deeply into the "Art of Film", as film in today's society has significant influence on the molding of the collective consciousness.
                    Living in Los Angeles it would be difficult not to have been exposed, at least partially, to the film industry and the movie magic of Hollywood. With major studios such as Warner Brothers and Universal so close by you might say we are at the center of film entertainment. Having lived in this center I have been a constant visitor of the Universal Studios since my youth and by watching the movies they produce and how things have grown, I have developed a fondness for the the films that were filmed and created in our backyard.

                          My taste in films tends to lean toward Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Action, Comedies and Animation. As far as I can tell when people go to the movies they tend to want to see something they yearn for, something that they lack, something arranged in an abnormal or improbable way, or someone they can relate to. As someone who can at least appreciate the hard work that goes into the creative process in film making I look for these qualities as well. I rarely go to the movie theater as I get antsy and uncomfortable during a movie but will occasionally find a movie to watch flipping through the channels or by renting a DVD in my spare time. 

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